Isogen Light-bluish crystal, formed by intense pressure deep within large asteroids and moons. Used in electronic and weapon …
Megacyte An extremely rare mineral found in comets and very occasionally in asteroids that have traveled through gas clouds. Has unique …
Mexallon Very flexible metallic mineral, dull to bright silvery green in color. Can be mixed with tritanium to make extremely hard alloys …
Morphite Morphite is a highly unorthodox mineral that can only be found in the hard-to-get Mercoxit ore. It is hard to use Morphite as a …
Nocxium A highly volatile mineral only formed during supernovas, thus severely limiting the extent of its distribution. Vital ingredient …
Pyerite A soft crystal-like mineral with a very distinguishing orange glow as if on fire. Used as conduit and in the bio-chemical …
Tritanium The main building block in space structures. A very hard, yet bendable metal. Cannot be used in human habitats due to its …
Zydrine Only found in huge geodes; rocks on the outside with crystal-like quartz on the inside. The rarest and most precious of these …