Cryptic Accelerant The scientific jargon contained herein could cause mental meltdowns, but if you can extract …
Cryptic Attainment Solid instructions that even an idiot can follow that improve your probability of a successful …
Cryptic Augmentation If you can assimilate these ideas into a Minmatar invention job it could greatly multiply your …
Cryptic Parity Balanced decryptor for Minmatar that increases the likelihood of successful invention …
Cryptic Process This decryptor gives insightful information into the nature of Minmatar invention jobs, but …
Cryptic Symmetry As long as you can decipher the theories there is some good common sense stuff in here that can …
Optimized Cryptic Attainment A rare and valuable Minmatar decryptor that dramatically increases your chance for success at …
Optimized Cryptic Augmentation A rare and valuable Minmatar decryptor that gives solid boost to number of runs an invented BPC …