Compressed Crokite Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of …
Compressed Crystalline Crokite Crystalline crokite is the stuff of legend in 0.0 space. Not only does it give a 10% greater …
Compressed Sharp Crokite In certain belts, environmental conditions will carve sharp, jagged edges into crokite rocks, …
Crokite Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of …
Crystalline Crokite Crystalline crokite is the stuff of legend in 0.0 space. Not only does it give a 10% greater …
Fools Crokite Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of …
Geodite Geodite ore used to be common, but was mined heavily in the early years of interstellar …
Sharp Crokite In certain belts, environmental conditions will carve sharp, jagged edges into crokite rocks, …