With the advent of clone soldiers, a new breed of pirate has arisen to take advantage of their existence. CONCORD, which had been content to leave the pirates be so long as they remained within their own territories, sees the presence of pirate-affiliated clone soldiers as a major threat to the safety of the cluster, and will go to extraordinary means to disrupt their operations.
This Sansha's Nation pirate is a recruiter, in charge of scouting vulnerable areas - remote planets, isolated outposts, interstellar colonies and other places that hold human life - with the aim of bringing in new recruits for the pirates' clone soldier programs. The Sansha have trouble acquiring voluntary recruits at the best of times, and so they've put a lot of effort in finding and training people who can continue fighting beyond even death itself.
Security Reward
Rate of Fire
Optimal Range
Tracking speed
Full Shield Recharge