Across the broad sweep of New Eden, there is no constellation closer to the forefront of fashion than Coriault. The Crux constellation, which includes Luminaire and Oursulaert, may be the heart of the Federation's consumer culture, but Coriault is home to the fashion-houses of Auvergne and Vylade, and in particular the Dodixie-based Maison Nephére which has provided finery exclusively for the Federation presidents and their partners for well over a century.
In order to improve their visibility in the glare of the Federation's heart, dozens of Coriault houses merged under the Coriault Couture Collective label. Each school operates independently, and the styles can vary wildly, but open competition between institutions only occurs when particular contracts are opened to the highest bidder.. The designers frequently model their own work, operating under the philosophy that if they wouldn't be seen in public in their own work, nobody else should, either.
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