Eliminate the pirate campers [ comments: 2 ]


Thukker Tribe

Type DeadSpace (no gate)
Target Kill all NPC's
Steps 1
Mission briefing I have something suited for someone of your caliber. There is a hidden stargate in *** which is frequented by pilots employed by allies of the Gallente Federation. It so happens that a gang of vagabonds, belonging to the Thukker Tribe, have 'set up camp' near the stargate in the hopes of catching easy prey traveling via the gate. In other words they will attack any passersby that do not adhere to their pirate organization.

Mission Step # 1


Thukker Tribe

Step Type spot
Number of Spawns 1
NPC's Attack after warp yes
Your Shield/Armor resists
Your Damage type

Spawn # 1
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
3 × Thukker Mercenary Fighter 10 000 0 2 0 0 175 0 60 40 20 8000 520
0 83 0 0 270 0 60 40 20
4 × Thukker Mercenary Elite Fighter 10 000 0 2 0 0 550 0 60 40 20 8000 520
0 83 0 0 500 0 60 40 20

top Comments 2Please login to add a comment

6:49am 2006 Thursday 23rd November 2006 For my close range frigate it was one of the most difficult missions from lv2 - 7 missile launchers that target you simoultanesly from the start. Doable, but takes practice (or a different ship). I lost my first frigate on this one - be careful - or go with a cruiser and it will be easy :)
2:07am 2006 Wednesday 8th November 2006 (1) I've done this mission now three times. The first two times, I used "Warp to Location" both times, it put me in the middle of a structure that left me pretty much motionless. Instead, use "Warp to 20km or 30km". I never had any problems with that method.

(2) Both the fighters and the elite fighters use missiles. You can reduce the amount of incoming damage by taking out the regular fighters first. They're hulls are pretty thin.