In The Midst Of Deadspace (4 of 5) [ comments: 9 ]


Amarr Empire

Type DeadSpace
Target Destroy Gate
Steps 2
Mission briefing Now that we have the keycard it's time to send you to the third gate. Make sure you're well equipped and ready for anything the Amarr or Caldari might pit you against, because I have absolutely no idea what lies beyond the acceleration gate.
I will fit your ship with some high tech sensors of my own, just in case I'm able to spot something that you miss. Don't worry, it won't fill a module slot. Now get going!

Mission Step # 1


Amarr Empire

Step Type warp
Number of Spawns 3
NPC's Attack after warp no
Your Shield/Armor resists
Your Damage type
Structures with loot Bunker

Spawn # 1
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
1 × Imperial Navy Apocalypse 0 46 0 0 37 4000 0 60 40 20 3500 400 2 +
5000 0 60 40 20
5 × Imperial Navy Maller 0 30 0 0 38 1200 0 60 40 20 20000 350
1800 0 60 40 20
2 × Imperial Navy Armageddon 0 60 0 0 60 3500 0 60 40 20 22500 290
4250 0 60 40 20
Spawn # 2
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
3 × Imperial Navy Armageddon 0 60 0 0 60 3500 0 60 40 20 22500 290
4250 0 60 40 20
5 × Imperial Navy Delta II Support Frigate 0 14 0 0 17 350 0 60 40 20 6000 900 1 +
83 0 0 0 400 0 60 40 20
Spawn # 3
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
3 × Imperial Navy Armageddon 0 60 0 0 60 3500 0 60 40 20 22500 290
4250 0 60 40 20
5 × Imperial Navy Delta II Support Frigate 0 14 0 0 17 350 0 60 40 20 6000 900 1 +
83 0 0 0 400 0 60 40 20

Mission Step # 2


Amarr Empire

Step Type warp
Number of Spawns 1
NPC's Attack after warp yes
SS' Attack after warp yes
Your Shield/Armor resists
Your Damage type

Spawn # 1
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
5 × Amarr Sentry Gun 0 56 56 98 98 4800 0 60 40 20 0
7200 0 60 40 20
1 × Imperial Navy Apocalypse 0 46 0 0 37 4000 0 60 40 20 3500 400 2 +
5000 0 60 40 20
4 × Imperial Navy Maller 0 30 0 0 38 1200 0 60 40 20 20000 350
1800 0 60 40 20
1 × Imperial Navy Armageddon 0 60 0 0 60 3500 0 60 40 20 22500 290
4250 0 60 40 20
  • Your agent messeages you that you should destroy the Gate in front of you asap. (KoeK)
  • Oh and the Imperial stargate which you have to shoot down has a hell of a lot HP. (KoeK)

top Comments 9Please login to add a comment

Anywhere around Eve
8:13pm 2008 Friday 9th May 2008 First Stage:

First Spawn:

3x Imperial Security Officer (Maller)
2x Imperial Security Captain (Armageddon)
1x Imperial Security Commander (Jakar)

Second Spawn:

2x Imperial Security Captain (1x Armageddon 1x Apocalypse)
5x Imperial Guard (Gamma & Delta Elite Frigs)

Third Spawn:

2x Imperial Security Captain (1x Armageddon 1x Apocalypse)
5x Imperial Guard (Gamme & Delta Elite Frigs)

Second Stage:

First Spawn:
1x Imperial Ultara
2x Divine Imperial Equalizer
3x Tower Sentry Amarr Gun (3x 70k Bounty)
9:46pm 2007 Tuesday 2nd January 2007 i solved that mission with a longrange geddon. (tachyon II) i did NOT kill the NPC's but ran out of distance, shooting the gate down at 120km. 1 wave of reinfocements arrived, but i was out of range for them and destroyed the gate before they had closed in. the NPC's in that level are very slow.
10:02am 2006 Wednesday 29th November 2006 Following revelations update the stargate has been weakened, I was able to kill it in about half the time. The reinforcements did not have time to spawn in.

Before the patch, I got the stargate to 50% when the first wave came in.
3:55am 2006 Wednesday 8th November 2006 stage 4/5 is clearly the hardest one.

But I have soloed it a couple of times in my megathron.

The first spawn in the gate area has 2 Imperial Ultara (apocs, lots of hitpoints) and 1 Imperial templar-something (armageddon)

Ignore those to start with, pop the sentrys.

After that, pop the armageddon. And the apocs at the end.

When you start firing at the gate, make sure you have your drones (lights or mediums) attacking it.
They dont do much damage, but they will take the aggro when the second wave spawns.

Your drones will go down pretty fast if youre not careful. So keep firing at the gate with your guns - and when your drones go down to armor, return them to your dronebay one by one, and launch them again..

That way you can keep the rats occupied, and pop the gate.

My fitting was:

6x 425mm proto / antimatter
2x t2 assault launchers - with prec. missiles (for the earlier areas)

1x t2 100mn afterburner
3x barton cap relays

1x 1600mm Rolled Tungsten
2x t2 active EM hardner
1x t2 active Thermal hardner
1x t2 large armor repairer
2x Cap power relay

Octavian Vanguard
2:59am 2006 Wednesday 20th September 2006 Make sure you kill the gate quickly in the second stage. Otherwise you will be overrun quickly. The third spawn I got included 3 navy Jakers and something with a warp jammer.

Now short a raven.Armand Paher

I had the same problem. But I think the spawn was waiting for me the first time i came in. I am using an alt to boost my main and was very supprised when they easily broke my tank. most of the ships arn't even in the database at all. I am Now short a well fitted Tempest.

strange thing is I did this mission set 3 days before and it was a brease. I never saw these new ships before.
Armand Paher
3:37am 2006 Tuesday 12th September 2006 Make sure you kill the gate quickly in the second stage. Otherwise you will be overrun quickly. The third spawn I got included 3 navy Jakers and something with a warp jammer.

Now short a raven.
Tarkina koslix
9:41pm 2006 Friday 1st September 2006 Changes in stage 1


5x Imperial Guard
2x Imperial Security Captain
1x Imperial Security Captain -> Apoc low EM resi


5x Imperial Guard
2x Imperial Security Captain
1x Imperial Security Captain -> Apoc low EM resi


5x Imperial Security Offizer ( BC )
2x Imperial Security Captain
1x Imperial Security Commander -> Apoc low EM resi

Attack after warp : no

Tactics : attack the mid spawn first.
If you attack the wings first, all will attack.
If you attack the mid wing, kill the cruisers first, as the
BSes do not do soooo much damage compared to the cruisers.

Killorder: 1. Imperial Security Captain
2. Imperial Security Captain ( APOC )
3. Imperial Guards

ONE WCS is enough.

11:33pm 2006 Wednesday 9th August 2006 i didn't get either.

and the NPC's are diferent.

2006.08.09 19 ] (combat) <color=0xffbb6600>Imperial Security Captain places an excellent hit on you, inflicting 8.9 damage.

Imperial Security Commander places an excellent hit on you, inflicting 30.8 damage.

security commander had wrath cruize missiles, wasn't expecting kinetic dmg.

Wrath Cruise Missile belonging to Amarr Empire hits you, doing 195.0 damage.

For some reason i didn't get any spawns apart from the sentry guns in the second part to this mission.Discorded Apple
Discorded Apple
9:25am 2006 Saturday 22nd July 2006 For some reason i didn't get any spawns apart from the sentry guns in the second part to this mission.