Worlds Collide [ comments: 16 ]


Guristas Pirates & Serpentis

Type DeadSpace (combo)
Target Kill all NPC's
DropOff 30 Ship's Crew (60 m3)
Steps 4
Mission briefing Yes I have some work for you. Although the Guristas Pirates traditionally have a firm grip over the criminal culture inside our fair system of ***, the Serpentis have been poking their ugly nose in here as of late. Which is perfectly fine with us, watching the two outlawed organizations duke it out is one of my favorite pasttimes. And hopefully it will give both of their hides a good bruising, that could only work in our favor.
Now on to the bad news. An Interbus ship on a business trip to ***, in collaberation with Caldari Navy, got caught inside one of the pirate warzones. The ship was damaged beyond repair and can neither warp out nor navigate away from it's dire position. Your task is to fly into the deadspace area and rescue the crew of the ship. Please retrieve them before more harm is done, they're already scared out of their minds. We really hope this won't damage our relationship with Interbus ... the faster you get this done the better.
Oh and before you leave I'd like to give you a word of advice. When you venture into this particular deadspace area, the warpgates are not locked. This might give you the chance of avoiding most of the conflict if you wish. Good luck.

Mission Step # 1


Guristas Pirates & Serpentis

Step Type spot
Number of Spawns 2
NPC's Attack after warp yes
Your Shield/Armor resists
Your Damage type
Structures with loot Smuggler Stargate (narcotics+metal scrap)

Spawn # 1
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
4 × Guardian Veteran 30 000 0 0 27 20 455 0 60 40 20 1000 250 1 +
325 0 60 40 20
2 × Core Rear Admiral 543 750 0 0 96 160 4750 63 73 43 53 37500 280
5250 63 73 43 53
2 × Core Port Admiral 487 500 0 0 92 153 4250 62 72 42 52 37500 280
4750 62 72 42 52
4 × Shadow Corelum Chief Protector 85 313 0 0 60 90 1200 47 57 27 37 6000 360
1500 47 57 27 37
Spawn # 2
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
5 × Dread Pithum Abolisher 90 938 0 0 47 56 1800 59 49 29 39 23000 360
0 0 135 0 1150 59 49 29 39
3 × Dread Pith Exterminator 1 106 250 0 0 60 75 6750 75 65 45 55 28750 280 +
0 0 540 0 4250 75 65 45 55
  • section "Warzone"
  • Serpentis atack after warp
  • all respawns (structures and NPC's)
  • two ways
  • to Guristas Base and to Serpentis Base

Mission Step # 2



Step Type warp
Number of Spawns 4
NPC's Attack after warp yes
Your Shield/Armor resists
Your Damage type

Spawn # 1
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
4 × Guardian Veteran 30 000 0 0 27 20 455 0 60 40 20 1000 250 1 +
325 0 60 40 20
1 × Corelum Chief Protector 74 063 0 0 48 72 1200 47 57 27 37 6000 360
1500 47 57 27 37
1 × Shadow Corelum Chief Protector 85 313 0 0 60 90 1200 47 57 27 37 6000 360
1500 47 57 27 37
3 × Shadow Core Port Admiral 825 000 0 0 115 191 4250 62 72 42 52 37500 280
4750 62 72 42 52
1 × Shadow Corelum Chief Defender 82 500 0 0 65 98 1150 46 56 26 36 23000 360
1425 46 56 26 36
Spawn # 2
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
2 × Guardian Veteran 30 000 0 0 27 20 455 0 60 40 20 1000 250 1 +
325 0 60 40 20
1 × Corelum Chief Protector 74 063 0 0 48 72 1200 47 57 27 37 6000 360
1500 47 57 27 37
2 × Shadow Corelum Chief Protector 85 313 0 0 60 90 1200 47 57 27 37 6000 360
1500 47 57 27 37
3 × Shadow Core Port Admiral 825 000 0 0 115 191 4250 62 72 42 52 37500 280
4750 62 72 42 52
Spawn # 3
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
2 × Guardian Veteran 30 000 0 0 27 20 455 0 60 40 20 1000 250 1 +
325 0 60 40 20
1 × Corelum Chief Protector 74 063 0 0 48 72 1200 47 57 27 37 6000 360
1500 47 57 27 37
3 × Shadow Core Port Admiral 825 000 0 0 115 191 4250 62 72 42 52 37500 280
4750 62 72 42 52
2 × Shadow Corelum Chief Defender 82 500 0 0 65 98 1150 46 56 26 36 23000 360
1425 46 56 26 36
Spawn # 4
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
3 × Core Admiral 881 250 0 0 152 228 4750 66 76 46 56 51000 280
5250 66 76 46 56
  • section "Serpentis Base"
  • closest spawn atack you after warp
  • all respawns (structures and NPC's)
  • way to "Research Outpost"

Mission Step # 3


Guristas Pirates

Step Type warp
Number of Spawns 4
NPC's Attack after warp yes
Your Shield/Armor resists
Your Damage type
Structures with loot Guristas War Instalation

Spawn # 1
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
1 × Pithum Silencer 37 500 0 0 14 18 750 50 40 20 30 11500 360
0 0 83 0 625 50 40 20 30
2 × Dread Pith Eliminator 1 050 000 0 0 55 69 5500 74 64 44 54 28750 280 +
0 0 499 0 4250 74 64 44 54
1 × Dread Pith Exterminator 1 106 250 0 0 60 75 6750 75 65 45 55 28750 280 +
0 0 540 0 4250 75 65 45 55
1 × Dire Pithum Eraser 270 000 0 0 50 60 1800 90 85 72 79 33000 320
0 0 0 83 1150 90 85 72 79
4 × Dire Pithum Abolisher 281 250 0 0 63 75 1800 90 85 72 79 33000 320
0 0 135 0 1150 90 85 72 79
Spawn # 2
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
1 × Dire Pithi Infiltrator 20 250 0 0 0 0 700 55 44 19 32 2500 720 2 +
0 0 33 0 425 55 44 19 32
2 × Dire Pithi Invader 21 375 0 0 0 0 725 55 44 19 32 2500 720 2 +
0 0 33 0 450 55 44 19 32
3 × Dread Pith Eliminator 1 050 000 0 0 55 69 5500 74 64 44 54 28750 280 +
0 0 499 0 4250 74 64 44 54
4 × Dire Pithum Eraser 270 000 0 0 50 60 1800 90 85 72 79 33000 320
0 0 0 83 1150 90 85 72 79
1 × Dire Pithum Abolisher 281 250 0 0 63 75 1800 90 85 72 79 33000 320
0 0 135 0 1150 90 85 72 79
Spawn # 3
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
1 × Dire Pithi Infiltrator 20 250 0 0 0 0 700 55 44 19 32 2500 720 2 +
0 0 33 0 425 55 44 19 32
3 × Dire Pithi Invader 21 375 0 0 0 0 725 55 44 19 32 2500 720 2 +
0 0 33 0 450 55 44 19 32
3 × Dire Pithum Eraser 270 000 0 0 50 60 1800 90 85 72 79 33000 320
0 0 0 83 1150 90 85 72 79
1 × Dire Pithum Abolisher 281 250 0 0 63 75 1800 90 85 72 79 33000 320
0 0 135 0 1150 90 85 72 79
Spawn # 4
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
1 × Sansha's Demon 30 000 17 0 0 20 525 0 60 40 20 6000 900 1 +
350 0 60 40 20
  • section "Guristas Base"
  • closest spawn atack you after warp
  • all respawns (structures and NPC's)
  • way to "Research Outpost"

Mission Step # 4


Guristas Pirates

Step Type warp
Number of Spawns 3
NPC's Attack after warp yes
Your Shield/Armor resists
Your Damage type
Structures with loot Damaged Heron

Spawn # 1
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
5 × Core Rear Admiral 543 750 0 0 96 160 4750 63 73 43 53 37500 280
5250 63 73 43 53
2 × Core Commodore 431 250 0 0 55 73 3975 61 71 41 51 5500 280
4250 61 71 41 51
1 × Corelum Chief Guard 57 188 0 0 19 38 1050 44 54 24 34 5125 360 +
1250 44 54 24 34
1 × Corelum Chief Safeguard 62 813 0 0 20 40 1100 45 55 25 35 5125 360 +
1350 45 55 25 35
3 × Shadow Corelum Chief Sentinel 90 938 0 0 60 105 1200 49 59 29 39 6000 360
1500 49 59 29 39
2 × Shadow Core Baron 600 000 0 0 65 87 3500 60 70 40 50 5500 280
3975 60 70 40 50
1 × Coreli Defender 8 250 0 0 16 28 225 28 38 8 18 11500 440
225 28 38 8 18
1 × Shadow Coreli Patroller 7 125 0 0 7 9 150 25 35 5 15 1750 440 +
200 25 35 5 15
1 × Coreli Guard 7 500 0 0 12 24 175 26 36 6 16 11500 440
250 26 36 6 16
Spawn # 2
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
2 × Pith Obliterator 431 250 0 0 36 45 4800 71 61 41 51 27000 280
0 0 495 0 3975 71 61 41 51
1 × Pithum Nullifier 62 813 0 0 22 28 1500 55 45 25 35 17500 360 +
0 0 135 0 1050 55 45 25 35
2 × Pithum Annihilator 57 188 0 0 22 28 1400 54 44 24 34 17500 360 +
0 0 83 0 1000 54 44 24 34
Spawn # 3
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
3 × Dread Pith Eradicator 600 000 0 0 40 50 4250 70 60 40 50 27000 280
0 0 469 0 3500 70 60 40 50
  • section "Research Outpost"
  • closest spawn atack you after warp
  • all respawns (structures and NPC's)
  • in Damaged Heron you can found only 20 Crew Members, but if you wait some time they will be respawn
  • way to "Warzone"

Mission Step # 5



Step Type spot
Number of Spawns 1
NPC's Attack after warp yes
Your Shield/Armor resists
Your Damage type
Structures with loot Damaged Heron

Spawn # 1
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
5 × Core Rear Admiral 543 750 0 0 96 160 4750 63 73 43 53 37500 280
5250 63 73 43 53
2 × Core Commodore 431 250 0 0 55 73 3975 61 71 41 51 5500 280
4250 61 71 41 51
1 × Corelum Chief Guard 57 188 0 0 19 38 1050 44 54 24 34 5125 360 +
1250 44 54 24 34
1 × Corelum Chief Safeguard 62 813 0 0 20 40 1100 45 55 25 35 5125 360 +
1350 45 55 25 35
3 × Shadow Corelum Chief Sentinel 90 938 0 0 60 105 1200 49 59 29 39 6000 360
1500 49 59 29 39
2 × Shadow Core Baron 600 000 0 0 65 87 3500 60 70 40 50 5500 280
3975 60 70 40 50
1 × Coreli Defender 8 250 0 0 16 28 225 28 38 8 18 11500 440
225 28 38 8 18
1 × Shadow Coreli Patroller 7 125 0 0 7 9 150 25 35 5 15 1750 440 +
200 25 35 5 15
1 × Coreli Guard 7 500 0 0 12 24 175 26 36 6 16 11500 440
250 26 36 6 16
Spawn # 2
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
2 × Pith Obliterator 431 250 0 0 36 45 4800 71 61 41 51 27000 280
0 0 495 0 3975 71 61 41 51
1 × Pithum Nullifier 62 813 0 0 22 28 1500 55 45 25 35 17500 360 +
0 0 135 0 1050 55 45 25 35
2 × Pithum Annihilator 57 188 0 0 22 28 1400 54 44 24 34 17500 360 +
0 0 83 0 1000 54 44 24 34
Spawn # 3
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
3 × Dread Pith Eradicator 600 000 0 0 40 50 4250 70 60 40 50 27000 280
0 0 469 0 3500 70 60 40 50
  • section "Research Outpost"
  • closest spawn atack you after warp
  • all respawns (structures and NPC's)
  • in Damaged Heron you can found only 20 Crew Members, but if you wait some time they will be respawn

top Comments 16Please login to add a comment

EL, Michigan
2:31am 2008 Tuesday 12th February 2008 did this mission for the first time in a while today (lost a few mates doing it previous times). did the guristas ones leaving the spies almost last. took them out cause i got tired of being webbed.

i warped out and came back to the 2nd part and an overseer worth 5 mil was there. got t2 salvage stuff worth about 15mil, a duel 250 prototype, and some guristas ammo but nothing else too great.
9:50am 2007 Friday 21st December 2007 Had no problems with this mission in a T2-equipped Dom. Setting your drones to passive to avoid hitting the spy is key.
7:25am 2007 Wednesday 21st November 2007 Serpentis Overseer worth .75m spawned in Serpentis stage when I left it to return the loot to the station. Interestingly, there were still 3 Serpentis battleships left when I left, so apparently you don't need to clear the room for it to spawn, the trigger likely is entering the room for the second time. Timewise, I was doing this as a third room, so about 1h into the mission or a little more. Junk loot.
Faith Storward
5:22pm 2007 Friday 9th November 2007 This mission can b done solo in an armor tanked Navy Apoc.
Setup as follows:-
6xT2 mega pulse 2x Caldari Navy siege missile launchers.
4x T2 cap rechargers
1x T2 dmg control 1xT2 co-processer 2xT2 energised adaptive nano membrane 2x T2 active hardners 1x T2 armor rep 1x named armor rep.
as others have allready said don't attack the spies in the second rooms take out the frigs & crusiers first while running away then the bs's
11:52am 2007 Monday 21st May 2007 This can be done in a drake, take the Serpentis branch, you might have to warp out once or so in the second room. The main trick to do this with a drake is just to be able to recharge alot, and I do mean alot of sheilds per second. I currently have a recharge time of about 195 seconds, its possible to get this lower if you use T2 recharge rigs, and a bunch of SPRs in the lows. Only real issue with using the drake is it takes a very long time to kill battleship rats, but as long as you are recharging enough sheilds per second you can turtle though the rooms.
2:30pm 2007 Friday 9th March 2007 Easy solo in Myrmidon. The second pockets need some attention because attacking the spy ships is a bad idea: full agro.

Tactics [you need a good tank of 88% Kin/Therm and repper cycle/HP]:

War Zone
- get locked by Serpentis fleet in 130km
- ignore
- AB to Guristas fleet
- get locked in 80-90km
- camp
- tank heavy missile DPS of 6 Ferox and 3 Raven
- take down the spwan with Heavy Drones and Rails
- wait for aproaching Serp fleet and give them what they deserve

2nd Pocket Serp:
- agro from first spawn
- you get webbed/scrambled immediately
- tank heavy DPS
- take down webbers/scramblers first
- take care about drones because the spy will orbit you in 5-10km [full agro while scrambled is deadly]
- take out the rest

2nd Pocket Guristas:
- go straight ahead on escape course and ignore the first spwan on the left [they will lock, web, scramble you anyway immediately]
- any other direction except upwards is deadly due forcing full agro from close 2nd and 3rd spawn then
- the Guristas DPS is hard to tank: take the webbers/scramblers out fast, and AB on distance, keep moving to lower the missile DPS ... and pray to your frakking DNA if you overestimated your tank
- take care of the frakking spy
- engage spwan by spwan

Final Room:
- go in and take it again as a real man: tank, gank ... rescue

I can send out Drones at 60km. This is important tactics for combat.

Fly strong skilled! So say we all!

Presidente Gallente
Mish Master
10:04pm 2007 Monday 26th February 2007 ye i got the overseer in the serp stage but the loot i got was bad. think it was only a basic T1 mod :
9:32am 2007 Monday 26th February 2007 After the "Revelations" every time I run this mission I had an overseer in Serpentis stage. But not in Guristas stage.
11:21pm 2007 Sunday 25th February 2007 Does the overseers turn up now after the last patch ? I did this mission and waited a few hours but nothing turned up :
Zarrika Khan
4:58pm 2007 Tuesday 20th February 2007 Little known fact about this mission:

If you complete the Gurista's Base and let the mission run for an hour or so (few hours possibly) but do not complete it with your agent... warp back to the empty Gurista base there will be an Overseer spawn in there waiting for you. My last one I had was worth 3 million ISK just for him. Loot was not great through... but the loot is decided by a random drop table anyway.

This whole mission can be solo'd in a Raven with around 10 mill SP easily enough. All kinetic/therm, XL shield booster with Shield boost amp. 6 Cruise missiles, two heavy NOS (leach off of a BS and follow it while you pull each aggro) to help keep your cap up. 3 PDU's, one BCU and one Damage control is what I fit to solo it.
8:30am 2007 Tuesday 6th February 2007 I have solo'd every single level 4 that caldari agents give . But WC level 4 , no way ! I think they changed this some , and the DPS is insane , and yes , those Guristas Spies in the Merlins each have +2 Scram , so you will need at least +4 worth to get out . I lost my Raven to this one , and was pretty shocked by the DPS in that room . I've had no problems at all tanking any other level 4 mission . Fly fast and kill 'em all !
12:42pm 2007 Saturday 3rd February 2007 Ok, did it again and went through Serpentis gate. It is the easier one, and if you need to warp out of the Guristas section possibly the better idea for isk vs time spent.
Also, the Angel spy ships in there definitely don't warp scramble, so probably the gurista spy ships in the gurista section don't scramble either.
In the guristas section they can be targeted without agroing the rest of the spawn.
2:09pm 2007 Tuesday 30th January 2007 Ok, this mission was different from what is posted. The problem is Room2 (Guristas) was 4 bunches, the first sits ontop of you (10km) and does plenty damage. There were 2-3 frigs (gurista spys) in the first bunch that made me dump a load as wasn't sure if they warp scrambled. They do web heavily, was down to 7.5m/s. I warped out immediately and back in with a warp stab. Then had to warp out once to clear the first bunch.

Managed to solo this in a Raven @ 10.5 mill sp (optimized for damage and tank, no mining skills, manufacturing skills, etc. with Dread Guristas ball control and Dread Gurista XL shield boost) The second bunch is also big dps, but managed that one without warping. Rest is easy.
Almost no drops, but bounty is quite good. No doggy agros (everything agros 1 spawn at a time), but didn't attempt using drones here.

If those frigs warp scramble, then this is very dangerous. You have been warned :
3:33pm 2006 Saturday 30th December 2006 In the 2nd (Serpentis) stage the first group gives you aggro immediate. In this group there are 2 Angel Spy (if I remember correct). If you shoot them you have full aggro from the whole stage.
You can use drones if you want, just don't let them to shoot those guys.
3:40am 2006 Monday 18th December 2006 Easy run in Myrmidon and Raven. Both pilots with round about 10 Million SP. Raven and Myrmidon could tank, gank and drone them down without a single warp-out.

We used the new Target option for perfect team concentration on targets.
Raven tanked most the time and Myrmidon intercepted with webber and 5 t1 heavies.

Fly strong skilled and may your DNA be with you.

Presidente Gallente
6:05pm 2006 Wednesday 1st November 2006 I just tried doing this mission with 2 of my chars, warped the first one in and got aggro from the serpentis ships in the first stage, warped my geddon in and started picking out the serpentis ships, but as soon as I started firing on them with my geddon, he got aggro from the guristas spawn.

Then I entered the second stage first with my tanking char, he got immediate aggro from the first spawn like is supposed to happen, I then warped my geddon in and started taking out the serpentis ships that were aggroed on my tanking char and as soon as I started firing on them the whole spawn aggroed my geddon.

Will this always happen and will I have to bring an uber tank on both of my ships for this mission?