The Rogue Slave Trader (2 of 2) Downing The Slavers [ comments: 5 ]


Sansha's Nation

Type DeadSpace (combo)
Target Kill all NPC's
Steps 2
Mission briefing Now that we've destroyed the slave pen and rescued the captives, it's time to turn our attention to the slavers themselves. You have the full authority of the government to shoot to kill, we do not expect any prisoners.
We believe we know of the current whereabouts of these slavers. Warp to the bookmark in your NeoCom, and try to find them somewhere in the asteroid belt.

Mission Step # 1


Sansha's Nation

Step Type spot
Number of Spawns 1
NPC's Attack after warp yes
Your Shield/Armor resists
Your Damage type

Spawn # 1
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
2 × Centus Lord 375 000 52 0 0 52 3250 0 60 40 20 14000 750
469 0 0 0 4250 0 60 40 20
2 × Centatis Phantasm 131 250 40 0 0 32 1200 0 60 40 20 9500 375
135 0 0 0 1800 0 60 40 20
1 × Centatis Specter 135 000 82 0 0 65 1200 0 60 40 20 22000 375
1800 0 60 40 20
1 × Centum Loyal Fiend 270 000 45 0 0 38 1200 0 60 40 20 13750 375
135 0 0 0 1800 0 60 40 20

Mission Step # 2


Sansha's Nation

Step Type warp
Number of Spawns 1
NPC's Attack after warp yes
SS' Attack after warp yes
Your Shield/Armor resists
Your Damage type

Spawn # 1
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
2 × Sansha Sentry Gun 20 000 4 1 1 4 125 0 60 40 20 0
400 0 60 40 20
3 × Sansha's Berserker 25 000 14 0 0 17 300 0 60 40 20 6000 500 1 +
550 0 60 40 20
1 × Centus Savage Lord 543 750 144 0 0 144 4250 0 60 40 20 38000 500
0 0 375 0 6750 0 60 40 20
4 × Sansha Heavy Missile Battery 40 000 0 0 0 0 500 0 60 40 20 0
405 0 0 0 1600 0 60 40 20
2 × Sansha Cruise Missile Battery 55 000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 60 40 20 0
1125 0 0 0 3200 0 60 40 20
2 × Sansha Stasis Tower 35 000 0 0 0 0 250 0 60 40 20 0 +
800 0 60 40 20
2 × Centatis Specter 135 000 82 0 0 65 1200 0 60 40 20 22000 375
1800 0 60 40 20
1 × Centatis Wraith 138 750 43 0 0 43 1200 0 60 40 20 9500 375
135 0 0 0 1800 0 60 40 20
2 × Centum Loyal Hellhound 281 250 87 0 0 73 1200 0 60 40 20 32000 375
1800 0 60 40 20

top Comments 5Please login to add a comment

4:57am 2008 Tuesday 5th August 2008 Here's what I got:

Gate 1:
2x Centais Phantasm (131,250 isk)
1x Centais Specter (135,000 isk)
1x Centum Controller (270,000 isk)
1x Centus Lord (375,000 isk)
1x Centus Slave Lord (431,250 isk)

Gate 2:
2x Sansha Sentry Gun (20,000 isk)
1x Centus Savage Lord (543,750 isk)
4x Sansha Heavy Missile Battery (40,000 isk)
2x Sansha Cruise Missile Battery (55,000 isk)
2x Sansha Stasis Tower (35,000 isk)
2x Sansha Slaver (281,250 isk)
2x Centais Specter (135,000 isk)
1x Centais Wraith (?? isk)
2x Sansha's Demon (30,000 isk)
1x Sansha's Berserker (25,000 isk)
1:51am 2006 Friday 3rd November 2006 My L4 Mission is called: Downing The Slavers (2 of 2)

Here's the Breifing:
Now that we've destroyed the slave pen and rescued the captives, it's time to turn our attention to the slavers
themselves. You have the full authority of the government to shoot to kill, we do not expect any prisoners. And please do not confuse these low-lifes to the legit slave-users we sometimes do business with. These Sansha lunatics kidnap people indiscriminately, instead of only targeting criminals and POWs like the Amarr Empire.

We believe we know of the current whereabouts of these slavers. Warp to the bookmark that I will upload into your NeoCom, and try to find them somewhere in the asteroid belt.

Different name and the mission breifing is a bit different.
2:45pm 2006 Tuesday 26th September 2006 Yes, that happened to me as well. Also, three Sansha's Demons instead of the three Sansha's Beserkers listed, and rather a lot of BCs.
10:05pm 2006 Sunday 13th August 2006 I got a Centus Plague Lord in the second area bounty 712500isk instead of the savage lord.
Possible he was a warp in reinforcement i wasn't paying much attention.
Discorded Apple
12:48pm 2006 Wednesday 12th July 2006 The first warp point in this mission has
8 * 50k Omber roids
10 * 25k Scordite roids
6 * 90k Veldspar roids

these will keep spawning (along with the rats) after DT if you do not go to the second stage.

I tend to mine this missions for ~6 days (in a barge) and the complete it.

Same goes for the lvl3 mission of this type.