Serpentis Ship Builders [ comments: 7 ]



Type DeadSpace (no gate)
Target Kill all NPC's
Steps 1
Mission briefing This one was issued from high command, specifically to be assigned to you. Recently we have been picking up signals from an old ship wreckage nearby. We send a scout to go check it out and he reported a large Serpentis presence, led by a high-ranking colonel. They seem to be looting the wreckage and creating some sort of modified Megathron battleship. If you could go and eliminate this threat, we will reward you nicely.

Mission Step # 1



Step Type spot
Number of Spawns 1
NPC's Attack after warp yes
SS' Attack after warp yes
Your Shield/Armor resists
Your Damage type

Spawn # 1
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
2 × Serpentis Cruise Missile Battery 55 000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 60 40 20 0
0 0 0 1125 3200 0 60 40 20
4 × Corelior Cannoneer 14 625 0 0 20 35 250 30 40 10 20 2438 400
275 30 40 10 20
4 × Corelatis Platoon Leader 138 750 0 0 72 108 1200 50 60 30 40 23000 320
1500 50 60 30 40
2 × Core Vice Admiral 768 750 0 0 67 134 4750 65 75 45 55 7000 280 +
5250 65 75 45 55
1 × Core Lord Admiral 1 218 750 0 0 144 252 4750 69 79 49 59 8500 280
5250 69 79 49 59

top Comments 7Please login to add a comment

2:58am 2007 Monday 10th September 2007 Update: the battleship Serpentis Looters I got orbit at 51 Kilometers.

Droners, have a good range and a fast ship. :PShurikane

More like have EW Drone Operation trained to IV so you can send them out to 57km.
7:07pm 2007 Monday 30th July 2007 Update: the battleship Serpentis Looters I got orbit at 51 Kilometers.

Droners, have a good range and a fast ship. :P
Jane Loetkolben
10:00am 2007 Tuesday 20th February 2007 Well if one does not care about standings it is reasonable to reject it.

For most of the capsuleers: this is a storyline mission. Keep the standing - bonus in mind!

11:29pm 2007 Sunday 18th February 2007 It is present, I just turned it down.

AWFUL reward, less than 3m isk, and I'm running lowsec agents.
7:47pm 2007 Tuesday 6th February 2007 BarmaLINI : edited : RMR patch
dont know if this mission present in Revelations
Wez Drubnyeskov
1:18am 2006 Monday 25th September 2006 I got similar but different

4x Corelior Cannoneer
4x Corelatis Platoon Leader
2x Core Vice Admiral
(all named Serpentis Looter)
1x Core Lord Admiral (Colonel 'Bat' Guano)
2x Serpentis Cruise Missile Battery
no loot from buildings
1:08am 2006 Saturday 26th August 2006 Briefing:
This one was issued from high command, specifically to be assigned to you.

Recently we have been picking up signals from an old ship wreckage nearby. We send a scout to go check it out and he
reported a large Serpentis presence, led by a high-ranking colonel. They seem to be looting the wreckage and creating some
sort of modified Megathron battleship. If you could go and eliminate this threat, we will reward you nicely.

spawn consisted of:
1x Corelior Artilery
3x Corelior Cannoneer
3x Corelatis Platoon Leader
2x Core Vice Admiral
... all named as "Serpentis Looter"
1x Core Lord Admiral
... named as Colonel "Bat" Guano
2x Serpentis Cruise Missile Battery

Mission is quite straight-forward and with a decend anti-serp tank easily doable.