Armored Warfare Basic proficiency at coordinating armored warfare. Grants a 2% bonus to fleet members' armor hit points per skill level. Note: …
Armored Warfare Specialist Advanced proficiency at armored warfare. Boosts the effectiveness of armored warfare link modules by 20% per skill level.
Fleet Command Grants the Fleet Commander the ability to pass on their bonuses to an additional Wing per skill level, up to a maximum of 5 …
Information Warfare Basic proficiency at coordinating information warfare. Grants a 2% bonus to fleet members' targeting range per skill level. …
Information Warfare Specialist Advanced proficiency at information warfare. Boosts the effectiveness of information warfare link modules by 20% per skill …
Leadership Allows command of a squadron. Increases maximum squadron size by 2 members per skill level, up to a maximum of 10 …
Mining Director Advanced proficiency at group mining. Boosts the effectiveness of mining foreman link modules by 20% per skill level.
Mining Foreman Basic proficiency at coordinating mining operations. Grants a 2% bonus to fleet members' mining yield per level.Note: The fleet …
Siege Warfare Basic proficiency at coordinating a fleet's defenses. Grants a 2% bonus to fleet members' shield capacity per skill level. Note: …
Siege Warfare Specialist Advanced proficiency at siege warfare. Boosts the effectiveness of siege warfare link modules by 20% per skill level.
Skirmish Warfare Basic proficiency at coordinating hit-and-run warfare. Grants a 2% bonus to fleet members' agility per skill level. Note: The …
Skirmish Warfare Specialist Advanced proficiency at skirmish warfare. Boosts the effectiveness of skirmish warfare link modules by 20% per skill level.
Warfare Link Specialist Improved fleet leadership. Boosts effectiveness of all warfare link and mining foreman modules by 10% per level.
Wing Command Grants the Wing Commander the ability to pass on their bonuses to an additional Squadron per skill level, up to a maximum of 5 …