'Alcyon' Basic-H G/I+ An advanced GA Basic loadout with advanced weapons and gear that requires standard skills to use
'Aventail' Basic-H A-I A standard AM Basic loadout with standard weapons and gear that requires standard skills to use
'Basilo' Basic-H M-I A standard MN Basic loadout with standard weapons and gear that requires standard skills to use
'Behemoth' Sentinel A-I+ The Sentinel dropsuit is a second-generation solution designed to withstand concentrated small arms fire and protect the wearer …
'Cuirass' Basic-H ak.0 A prototype AM Basic loadout with prototype weapons and gear that requires prototype skills to use
'Dorudon' Basic-H M/I An advanced MN Basic loadout with advanced weapons and gear that requires advanced skills to use
'Enkidu' Sentinel G-I+ The Sentinel dropsuit is a second-generation solution designed to withstand concentrated small arms fire and protect the wearer …
'Guruwa' Basic-H C-I A standard CA Basic loadout with standard weapons and gear that requires standard skills to use
'Hecaton' Basic-H G-I A standard GA Basic loadout with standard weapons and gear that requires standard skills to use
'Hellmar' Sentinel ak.0 NOTE: In addition to pre-requisite skills, this pre-fitted dropsuit requires PG/CPU optimization skills to be trained in order …
'Izanami' Sentinel C-I+ The Sentinel dropsuit is a second-generation solution designed to withstand concentrated small arms fire and protect the wearer …
'Jotunn' Sentinel M-I+ The Sentinel dropsuit is a second-generation solution designed to withstand concentrated small arms fire and protect the wearer …
'Kote' Basic-H C/I An advanced CA Basic loadout with advanced weapons and gear that requires advanced skills to use
'Loceros' Basic-H mk.0 A prototype MN Basic loadout with prototype weapons and gear that requires prototype skills to use
'Mauler' Sentinel A-I The Sentinel dropsuit is a second-generation solution designed to withstand concentrated small arms fire and protect the wearer …
'Menpo' Basic-H ck.0 A prototype CA Basic loadout with prototype weapons and gear that requires prototype skills to use
'Mimas' Basic-H G/I A prototype GA Basic loadout with prototype weapons and gear that requires prototype skills to use
'Tigris' Sentinel A-I The Sentinel dropsuit is a second-generation solution designed to withstand concentrated small arms fire and protect the wearer …
'Vambrace' Basic-H A/I An advanced AM Basic loadout with advanced weapons and gear that requires advanced skills to use