Raa Thalamus

Subject: Prototype Nation Vessel (ID: Raa Thalamus)
Military Specifications: Cruiser-class vessel. Primary role is damage-dealing. Moderate microwarp velocity.
Additional Intelligence: Est. 520,000 civilian abductions from Raa IV. In a pattern similar to the Meten-class prototypes, the Thalamus identifier is shared with another vessel; the Romi Thalamus. Romi III was not successfully invaded as far as official records indicate, suggesting that those taken from Raa may have been used as a crew resource for the more powerful Romi variant, or alternatively, played some other role in the development of the newer vessel.
Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0029. DED Special Operations.Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.

  • structure
  • 235 m³


  • 10010000 kg


  • 100100m³ packaged
