The Rorqual was conceived and designed by Outer Ring Excavations in response to a growing need for capital industry platforms with the ability to support and sustain large-scale mining operations in uninhabited areas of space.
To that end, the Rorqual's primary strength lies in its ability to grind raw ores into particles of smaller size than possible before, while still maintaining their distinctive molecular structure. This means the vessel is able to carry vast amounts of ore in compressed form.
Additionally, the Rorqual is able to fit a capital tractor beam unit, capable of pulling in cargo containers from far greater distances and at far greater speeds than smaller beams can. It also possesses a sizeable drone bay, jump drive capability and the capacity to fit a clone vat bay. This combination of elements makes the Rorqual the ideal nexus to build deep space mining operations around.
Due to its specialization towards industrial operations, its ship maintenance bay is able to accommodate only industrial ships, mining barges and their tech 2 variants
Powergrid Output
Low Slots
Medium Slots
High Slots
Cpu Output
Upgrade Hardpoints
Shield Capacity
Shield Em Damage Resistance
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance
Shield Recharge Time
Armor Hitpoints
Armor Em Damage Resistance
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance
Structure Hitpoints
Maximum Velocity
Inertia Modifier
Capacitor Recharge Time
Capacitor Capacity
Maximum Targeting Range
Maximum Locked Targets
Magnetometric Sensor Strength
Signature Radius
Scan Resolution
Drone Capacity
Drone Bandwidth
Tech Level
Maximum Active Command Relays
Maximum Operational Distance
Maximum Concurrent Operational Users
Onboard Jump Drive
Jump Drive Fuel Need
Maximum Jump Range
Jump Drive Consumption Amount
Jump Drive Capacitor Need
Ship Maintenance Bay Capacity
Fleet Hangar Capacity
Maximum Jump Clones
Rig Size
Fuel Bay Capacity
Ore Hold Capacity
Capital Sized Vessel
Disallow In High Sec
Jump Fatigue Multiplier
Base Price
Power Load
Power To Speed
Warp Factor
Cpu Load
Scan Speed
Main Color
Max Passengers
Warp Capacitor Need
Propulsion Graphic Id
Gfx Booster Id
Required Skill 1Level
Required Skill 2Level
Required Skill 3Level
Shield Uniformity
Armor Uniformity
Structure Uniformity
Meta Level
Advanced Agility
Jump Drive Duration
Advanced Capital Agility
Has Ship Maintenance Bay
Has Fleet Hangars
Can Receive Clone Jumps
Heat Capacity Hi
Heat Dissipation Rate Hi
Heat Dissipation Rate Med
Heat Dissipation Rate Low
Heat Capacity Med
Heat Capacity Low
Heat Generation Multiplier
Survey Scanner Range Bonus
Cargo Scanner Range Bonus
Command Bonus Effective
Ship Bonus Orecapital 1
Ship Bonus Orecapital 2
Ship Bonus Orecapital 3
Ship Bonus Orecapital 4
Jump Harmonics
Heat Attenuation Med
Jump Clones Left
Fw Lp Kill
Type Color Scheme
Gate Scramble Status
Fighter Ability Anti Capital Missile Resistance