The Hematos is one of the smallest Blood Raider vessels in existence, though that doesn't make its appearance any less terrifying to the hapless innocents it may encounter. Like a spider, it is built to trap and drain any victim careless enough to wander into its clutches.
The Hematos is often employed by novice ship captains and staffed with crew that may not quite have mastered the art of bloodletting, which goes some way to explain its saturation of onboard cleaning systems.
Powergrid Output
Low Slots
Medium Slots
High Slots
Cpu Output
Launcher Hardpoints
Turret Hardpoints
Upgrade Hardpoints
Shield Capacity
Shield Em Damage Resistance
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance
Shield Recharge Time
Armor Hitpoints
Armor Em Damage Resistance
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance
Structure Hitpoints
Maximum Velocity
Inertia Modifier
Capacitor Recharge Time
Capacitor Capacity
Maximum Targeting Range
Maximum Locked Targets
Radar Sensor Strength
Signature Radius
Scan Resolution
Tech Level
Power Load
Power To Speed
Warp Factor
Cpu Load
Scan Speed
Main Color
Max Passengers
Warp Capacitor Need
Propulsion Graphic Id
Gfx Booster Id
Required Skill 1Level
Shield Uniformity
Armor Uniformity
Structure Uniformity
Meta Level
Heat Capacity Hi
Heat Dissipation Rate Hi
Heat Dissipation Rate Med
Heat Dissipation Rate Low
Heat Capacity Med
Heat Capacity Low
Heat Generation Multiplier
Heat Attenuation Med
Type Color Scheme
Rookie Setcap Bonus
Rookie Setdamage Bonus
Rookie Nos Drain
Rookie Neut Drain
Rookie Web Amount