Extracting gas from a gas giant requires more effort than simply opening a door into a container. Each specific type of desirable gas requires an ionized filament to be calibrated to attract only the right particles from the atmosphere. Even a fraction of a percent error could spoil an entire batch of product by tainting it with unwanted material. Likewise, once the gas is extracted from the surrounding air, the platform's equilibrium tanks must be adjusted to compensate for the added weight or buoyancy. Beyond that, it's a simple matter of supercooling it and transferring the liquid form into a container for transport. As one pioneer of this technology accurately described it, “The extractor itself is much like a living organism, breathing in what it needs and expelling that which becomes cumbersome.”
Power Load
Cpu Load
Planet Type Restriction
Extraction Quantity
Cycle Time
Extractor Head Cpu
Extractor Head Power
Base Price
Extractor Depletion Range
Extractor Depletion Rate