Tiny windows looking out into space offer a glimpse past this structure's impressive armor plating and through to the strange sights within. Barely visible in the dim light are rows upon rows of small chambers, stretching out endlessly inside the darkened hallways of this mammoth conduit. A myriad of connective wires interlace with giant pipelines, feeding into every area of the facility. Although they can be seen coiling up through the foundations, the compounds they are ferrying remain a mystery.
A strange electronic interference emanates from deep within, pulsing randomly every few seconds.
Shield Capacity
Shield Recharge Time
Armor Hitpoints
Structure Hitpoints
Signature Radius
Max Range
Tracking Speed
Attack Range
Loot Count Min
Loot Count Max
Security Status Kill Bonus
Fly Range
Equipment Min
Equipment Max
Armor Uniformity
Structure Uniformity
Chase Max Distance