In the time-honored tradition of pirates everywhere, Korako ‘Rabbit' Kosakami shamelessly stole the idea of the Scorpion-class battleship and put his own spin on it. The result: the fearsome Rattlesnake, flagship of any large Gurista attack force. There are, of course, also those who claim things were the other way around; that the notorious silence surrounding the Scorpion's own origins is, in fact, an indication of its having been designed by Kosakami all along.
Shield Capacity
Shield Recharge Time
Armor Hitpoints
Structure Hitpoints
Signature Radius
Agent Id
Max Range
Tracking Speed
Attack Range
Loot Count Min
Loot Count Max
Security Status Kill Bonus
Fly Range
Equipment Min
Equipment Max
Kill Bounty
Structure Uniformity
Chase Max Distance