Little is known of what happened to the Pletharian during its journey, and eventually the remaining Nefantars, now called Ammatars, gave up hope of ever finding it again. But with its discovery by Minmatar explorers, the situation has changed dramatically. The Republic has released little info on their findings to the public, but one thing is clear, something must have caused the Pletharian to malfunction and become stranded in space for all these years. Possibly a collision with an asteroid, or simply a breakdown of their thruster system. Whatever the cause, the Pletharian has now become the hottest topic on everyone's lips within the Ammatar / Minmatar border zone. Needless to say, shortly after the discovery had been confirmed by Republic authorities, the Ammatar government demanded that it be handed over to them. The Republic refused, citing that it contains the remains of convicted mass-murderers and Amarrian collaborators, and it would be an affront to all those enslaved and tortured during Amarrian rule to hand them over to the Ammatar. Instead they intend to make it into a museum, to be shown to Republic citizens as a grim reminder of the past. The Ammatars were far from pleased. This was the last straw in a chain of political collisions between their people and the Republic. Their citizens demanded action, and even within the Amarr empire itself there were rumors that the imperial fleet was preparing for war. After all, Tyrion Plethar was the most highly regarded member of the Amarr faith which was of Minmatar origin. The Republic's refusal to hand over his remains was not only an affront to the Ammatar nation, but to the Amarrian church as well. And so the buildup for war has begun. The Amarr and Ammatars have built a massive military outpost in Kenobanala, which is directly connected to Audesder. Cruisers and battleships keep arriving daily from all over the empire, and media reports indicate that even Minas Iksan, one of the Empire's most prestigious military generals, who led the successful campaign against the Blood Raiders a few years ago, has arrived. This does not bode well for the stability of the region, which is already on the brink of a potentially disastrous war. To top it all off, the Caldari and Khanid, which have recently become official allies of the Amarr Empire and Ammatar, have been caught up in the fray. They have sent both financial support and military aid to the front lines, boosting up the already massive invasion force.