Renyn Meten

Subject: Prototype Nation Vessel (ID: Renyn Meten)
Military Specifications: Frigate-class vessel. Primary anti-support damage dealer amongst frigate-class prototypes. Significant microwarp velocity. Short range laser systems.
Additional Intelligence: There were no reported civilian abductions from the Renyn VI invasion. The Renyn identifier suggests a small number of captives may have been initially unaccounted for, as with the Eystur Rhomben variant. The Meten identifier suggests an oversight role amongst the other frigate-class prototypes, or alternatively, that it was created during the first phase of development.
Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0043. DED Special Operations.Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.

  • structure
  • 235 m³


  • 2000000 kg


  • 20000m³ packaged
