XL Torpedoes are behemoths designed for maximum firepower against capital ships and installations. They are usable only by capital ships and starbase defense batteries.
Nocxium atoms captured in morphite matrices form this missile's devastating payload. A volley of these is able to completely obliterate most everything that floats in space, be it vehicle or structure.
Structure Hitpoints
Maximum Velocity
Inertia Modifier
Explosive Damage
Used With (Launcher Group)
Maximum Flight Time
Tech Level
Explosion Velocity
Explosion Radius
Base Price
Total Amount
Detonation Range
Em Damage
Kinetic Damage
Thermal Damage
Required Skill 1Level
Required Skill 2Level
Structure Uniformity
Meta Level
Aimed Launch
Aoe Falloff
Aoe Damage Reduction Factor
Aoe Damage Reduction Sensitivity