Serpentis Sentry Gun

Sentry guns are placed around important space facilities and will attack anyone threatening the place they've been assigned to defend. Sentry guns are very powerful compared to their ease of purchase and deployment.

  • shield
  • 125

    Shield Capacity

  • 0.4

    Shield Explosive Damage Resistance

  • 0.6

    Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance

  • 0.8

    Shield Thermal Damage Resistance

  • 500000

    Shield Recharge Time

  • armor
  • 400

    Armor Hitpoints

  • 0.4

    Armor Em Damage Resistance

  • 0.9

    Armor Explosive Damage Resistance

  • 0.75

    Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance

  • 0.65

    Armor Thermal Damage Resistance

  • structure
  • 1000 m³


  • 1000 kg


  • 1000m³ packaged


  • 400

    Structure Hitpoints

  • capacitor
  • 500000

    Capacitor Recharge Time

  • 250

    Capacitor Capacity

  • targeting
  • 8

    Maximum Locked Targets

  • 100

    Radar Sensor Strength

  • 100

    Ladar Sensor Strength

  • 100

    Magnetometric Sensor Strength

  • 100

    Gravimetric Sensor Strength

  • 50

    Signature Radius

  • miscellaneous
  • 2000

    Rate Of Fire

  • 250000

    Optimal Range

  • 1

    Damage Modifier

  • 1

    Em Damage

  • 1

    Explosive Damage

  • 4

    Kinetic Damage

  • 4

    Thermal Damage

  • 250000

    Activation Proximity

  • 10000

    Accuracy Falloff

  • 0.025

    Weapon Accuracy Score

  • 20000


  • 30

    Signature Resolution

  • 1.5

    Missile Velocity Bonus

  • 1.5

    Missile Flight Time Bonus

  • other
  • 0

    Capacitor Need

  • 1

    Max Attack Targets

  • 374

    Gfx Turret Id

  • 250000

    Attack Range

  • 0

    Security Status Kill Bonus

  • 0

    Fly Range

  • 0.75

    Shield Uniformity

  • 0.05

    Defender Chance

  • 0.75

    Structure Uniformity

  • 0

    Chase Max Distance

  • 1

    Bracket Colour