
Convoys are a common sight in the universe of EVE, ferrying goods from one place to another. Convoys usually have armed escorts, so attacking them is risky.

  • shield
  • 50

    Shield Capacity

  • 1

    Shield Em Damage Resistance

  • 0.4

    Shield Explosive Damage Resistance

  • 0.6

    Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance

  • 0.8

    Shield Thermal Damage Resistance

  • 500000

    Shield Recharge Time

  • armor
  • 475

    Armor Hitpoints

  • 0.4

    Armor Em Damage Resistance

  • 0.9

    Armor Explosive Damage Resistance

  • 0.85

    Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance

  • 0.65

    Armor Thermal Damage Resistance

  • structure
  • 2800 m³


  • 85000000 kg


  • 850000m³ packaged


  • 500

    Structure Hitpoints

  • 200

    Maximum Velocity

  • capacitor
  • 2500000

    Capacitor Recharge Time

  • 2800

    Capacitor Capacity

  • targeting
  • 8

    Maximum Locked Targets

  • 1000

    Radar Sensor Strength

  • 1000

    Ladar Sensor Strength

  • 1000

    Magnetometric Sensor Strength

  • 1000

    Gravimetric Sensor Strength

  • miscellaneous
  • 4000

    Rate Of Fire

  • 1500

    Optimal Range

  • 1.25

    Damage Modifier

  • 6

    Kinetic Damage

  • 8

    Thermal Damage

  • 7500

    Accuracy Falloff

  • 0.06

    Weapon Accuracy Score

  • other
  • 7250

    Scan Speed

  • 0

    Em Damage

  • 0

    Explosive Damage

  • 1

    Max Attack Targets

  • 394

    Propulsion Graphic Id

  • 378

    Gfx Turret Id

  • 394

    Gfx Booster Id

  • 16500

    Attack Range

  • 50000

    Loot Value Min

  • 150000

    Loot Value Max

  • 0

    Fly Range

  • 1

    Equipment Min

  • 3

    Equipment Max

  • 2000000000

    Equipment Group Max

  • 0.75

    Shield Uniformity

  • 0.75

    Structure Uniformity

  • 0

    Chase Max Distance

  • 0.9

    Usage Weighting