'Basic' Shield Flux Coil Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.
Alpha Reactor Shield Flux Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.
Beta Reactor Control: Shield Flux I Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.
Dread Guristas Shield Flux Coil Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.
Local Power Plant Manager: Reaction Shield Flux I Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.
Mark I Compact Shield Flux Coil Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.
Marked Generator Refitting: Shield Flux Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.
Partial Power Plant Manager: Shield Flux Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.
Shield Flux Coil I Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.
Shield Flux Coil II Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.
Type-D Restrained Shield Flux Coil Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.
Type-E Power Core Modification: Shield Flux Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.