Structure Acceleration Coils Materials needed for the construction of warp or engineering related facilities in a space …
Structure Advertisement Nexus Components for the construction of advertisement facilities in a space structure.
Structure Construction Parts Assorted parts of metal, textiles, composite fabrics and miscellaneous machinery - the basic …
Structure Docking Bay Mechanical components required for the construction of an outpost docking bay.
Structure Electromagnetic Sensor Materials required for the construction of intelligence or electronics related facilities in a …
Structure Factory Materials required for the construction of factory facilities in a space outpost.
Structure Hangar Array Components for the construction of individualized ship and module hangars in space outposts.
Structure Laboratory Construction materials and research tools for space outpost laboratories.
Structure Market Network Market access electronics and secure storage facilities of market goods for space outposts.
Structure Medical Center Medicine, anaesthetics, surgical supplies and complete cloning facilities for space outposts.
Structure Mission Network A computerized interface allowing people to barter goods and services with the outpost acting as …
Structure Office Center Materials for the construction of dozens of offices, as well as computer systems and supplies …
Structure Repair Facility Lathes, grinders, riveting machines, uncoilers, and various other pieces of machinery required …
Structure Reprocessing Plant Parts required for the construction of a space outpost materials refinery.
Structure Storage Bay One of the myriad construction components required for the building of space outposts.