Blue Pill This booster causes forgetfulness and bliss, and may cause light hallucinations.
Crash This expensive booster is highly addictive and has been known to cause heart attacks and …
Crates of Crystal Eggs Crystal is a common feel-good booster, used and abused around the universe in abundance.
Crystal Egg Crystal is a common feel-good booster, used and abused around the universe in abundance.
Drop This highly hallucinogenic booster can easily cause temporary dementia. It is commonly poured …
Exile This booster is highly addictive and has been known to cause aggressive behavior.
Frentix The Frentix fluid is used as a relaxative drug on subjects in heavy pain. Abuse of this booster …
Large Crates of Crystal Eggs Crystal is a common feel-good booster, used and abused around the universe in abundance.
Mindflood Highly addictive fluid of which the toxic fumes are inhaled through the nostrils of the user. …
Nerve Sticks This booster is used as a stress-reliever and is ingested with a sip of water.
Sooth Sayer This booster causes the subject to fall into a blissful sleep. Reports tell of abusers falling …
Vitoc The Vitoc booster has become more than a simple strategy by the Amarrians in controling their …
X-Instinct Abusers of this booster have reported surreal visions and altered perceptions of the world …