Armor Layering Skill at installing upgraded armor plates efficiently and securely, reducing the impact they …
Capital Remote Armor Repair Systems Operation of capital sized remote armor repair systems. 5% reduced capacitor need for capital …
Capital Remote Hull Repair Systems Operation of capital class remote hull repair systems. 5% reduced capacitor need for capital …
Capital Repair Systems Operation of capital armor/hull repair modules. 5% reduction in capital repair systems duration …
EM Armor Compensation 5% bonus to EM resistance per level for Armor Coatings and Energized Platings
Explosive Armor Compensation 5% bonus to explosive resistance per level for Armor Coatings and Energized Platings
Hull Upgrades Skill at maintaining your ship's armor and installing hull upgrades like expanded cargoholds and …
Kinetic Armor Compensation 5% bonus to kinetic resistance per level for Armor Coatings and Energized Platings
Mechanics Skill at maintaining the mechanical components and structural integrity of a spaceship. 5% bonus …
Remote Armor Repair Systems Operation of remote armor repair systems. 5% reduced capacitor need for remote armor repair …
Remote Hull Repair Systems Operation of remote hull repair systems. 5% reduced capacitor need for remote hull repair system …
Repair Systems Operation of armor/hull repair modules. 5% reduction in repair systems duration per skill …
Thermal Armor Compensation 5% bonus to thermal resistance per level for Armor Coatings and Energized Platings