The Score [ comments: 7 ]


Sansha's Nation

Type DeadSpace
Target Kill all NPC's
Steps 3
Mission briefing Aye I do, ***. We got reports of a Sansha patrol in this sector. Our surveillance patrol reports they are scouts providing intel back to their leaders for a much larger raiding party. We cannot have them discover our weak points or gather any intel on our convoy travel routes. Teach them a lesson for us, ***.

Mission Step # 1


Sansha's Nation

Step Type warp
Number of Spawns 3
NPC's Attack after warp no
Your Shield/Armor resists
Your Damage type

Spawn # 1
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
1 × Centum Torturer 74 063 60 0 0 60 1200 0 60 40 20 22000 375
1800 0 60 40 20
3 × Centum Mutilator 68 438 30 0 0 30 1150 0 60 40 20 9500 500
135 0 0 0 1650 0 60 40 20
1 × Centior Cannibal 11 813 16 0 0 13 250 0 60 40 20 8000 325
300 0 60 40 20
1 × Centior Devourer 12 375 22 0 0 22 250 0 60 40 20 16000 325
300 0 60 40 20
1 × Centatis Wraith 138 750 43 0 0 43 1200 0 60 40 20 9500 375
135 0 0 0 1800 0 60 40 20
Spawn # 2
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
1 × Centii Butcher 9 000 23 0 0 19 250 0 60 40 20 11000 325
300 0 60 40 20
4 × Centii Manslayer 8 250 10 0 0 10 225 0 60 40 20 5500 325
83 0 0 0 250 0 60 40 20
3 × Centior Devourer 12 375 22 0 0 22 250 0 60 40 20 16000 325
300 0 60 40 20
Spawn # 3
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
1 × Centii Enslaver 7 500 9 0 0 7 175 0 60 40 20 5500 250
83 0 0 0 250 0 60 40 20
2 × Centum Torturer 74 063 60 0 0 60 1200 0 60 40 20 22000 375
1800 0 60 40 20
1 × Centus Mutant Lord 487 500 56 0 0 56 3975 0 60 40 20 14000 750
469 0 0 0 5500 0 60 40 20
3 × Centii Plague 7 875 18 0 0 14 200 0 60 40 20 11000 250
250 0 60 40 20
2 × Centum Mutilator 68 438 30 0 0 30 1150 0 60 40 20 9500 500
135 0 0 0 1650 0 60 40 20
1 × Centatis Specter 135 000 82 0 0 65 1200 0 60 40 20 22000 375
1800 0 60 40 20
1 × Centatis Wraith 138 750 43 0 0 43 1200 0 60 40 20 9500 375
135 0 0 0 1800 0 60 40 20

Mission Step # 2


Sansha's Nation

Step Type warp
Number of Spawns 3
NPC's Attack after warp no
Your Shield/Armor resists
Your Damage type

Spawn # 1
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
3 × Centum Torturer 74 063 60 0 0 60 1200 0 60 40 20 22000 375
1800 0 60 40 20
1 × Centus Mutant Lord 487 500 56 0 0 56 3975 0 60 40 20 14000 750
469 0 0 0 5500 0 60 40 20
1 × Centum Mutilator 68 438 30 0 0 30 1150 0 60 40 20 9500 500
135 0 0 0 1650 0 60 40 20
Spawn # 2
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
2 × Centus Slave Lord 431 250 128 0 0 128 3500 0 60 40 20 38000 500
0 0 0 375 4800 0 60 40 20
1 × Centus Mutant Lord 487 500 56 0 0 56 3975 0 60 40 20 14000 750
469 0 0 0 5500 0 60 40 20
Spawn # 3
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
2 × Centum Torturer 74 063 60 0 0 60 1200 0 60 40 20 22000 375
1800 0 60 40 20
3 × Centum Mutilator 68 438 30 0 0 30 1150 0 60 40 20 9500 500
135 0 0 0 1650 0 60 40 20
2 × Centior Cannibal 11 813 16 0 0 13 250 0 60 40 20 8000 325
300 0 60 40 20
1 × Centatis Specter 135 000 82 0 0 65 1200 0 60 40 20 22000 375
1800 0 60 40 20
1 × Centatis Wraith 138 750 43 0 0 43 1200 0 60 40 20 9500 375
135 0 0 0 1800 0 60 40 20

Mission Step # 3


Sansha's Nation

Step Type warp
Number of Spawns 3
NPC's Attack after warp no
Your Shield/Armor resists
Your Damage type

Spawn # 1
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
1 × Centus Lord 375 000 52 0 0 52 3250 0 60 40 20 14000 750
469 0 0 0 4250 0 60 40 20
2 × Centus Slave Lord 431 250 128 0 0 128 3500 0 60 40 20 38000 500
0 0 0 375 4800 0 60 40 20
1 × Centus Mutant Lord 487 500 56 0 0 56 3975 0 60 40 20 14000 750
469 0 0 0 5500 0 60 40 20
Spawn # 2
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
2 × Centii Enslaver 7 500 9 0 0 7 175 0 60 40 20 5500 250
83 0 0 0 250 0 60 40 20
2 × Centii Plague 7 875 18 0 0 14 200 0 60 40 20 11000 250
250 0 60 40 20
1 × Centior Cannibal 11 813 16 0 0 13 250 0 60 40 20 8000 325
300 0 60 40 20
1 × Centior Devourer 12 375 22 0 0 22 250 0 60 40 20 16000 325
300 0 60 40 20
Spawn # 3
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
2 × Centum Torturer 74 063 60 0 0 60 1200 0 60 40 20 22000 375
1800 0 60 40 20
2 × Centum Mutilator 68 438 30 0 0 30 1150 0 60 40 20 9500 500
135 0 0 0 1650 0 60 40 20
1 × Centatis Specter 135 000 82 0 0 65 1200 0 60 40 20 22000 375
1800 0 60 40 20
1 × Centatis Wraith 138 750 43 0 0 43 1200 0 60 40 20 9500 375
135 0 0 0 1800 0 60 40 20

top Comments 7Please login to add a comment

Alessa Atreides
Houston, TX
3:04am 2009 Wednesday 4th November 2009 I did this with my Raven.

4 X 'Arbalest' Cruise
2 X 'Arbalest' Siege
1 X Heat Dissipation Field II
1 X Photon Scattering Field II
2 X Pithi B-Type Small Shield Booster
1 X Magnetic Scattering Amplifier II
1 X Shield Boost Amplifier II
2 X Ballistic Control System II
2 X Capacitor Flux Coil II
1 X Large Core Defense Operational Solidifier I
1 X Large Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I
1 X Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I

stable capacitor, 176.8 hp actively recovered every 1.7 sec.

Seriously, if you can do this to a Raven or a better ship, there are maybe 2 level 4 missions, where you need to warp out....and this mission definitely isn't one of them.
8:11pm 2008 Monday 31st December 2007 I agree, this might as well be a level 3
11:22pm 2007 Tuesday 13th November 2007 Character 4 mil SP
--- Shield Ops V, Shield Management III, Tactical Shield Manipulation III
--- Cruise Missile II, Guided Missile Precision III
--- Drone V, Drone Interfacing III
--- Caldari Battleship II

Ship -- Raven
---HI: 6 Arby Cruises, 1 Heavy Nos I, 1 Drone Link Augmentor
---Med: 2 EM hardeners I, 2 Therm Hardeners I, 1 Shield Booster II, 100 mn Afterburner II
---Lows: 2 BCS II, 3 PDS II
---Drones: 7 Hammerhead I

The Shield Booster is a really good one but I hardly used it. Didn't use the drones much either.

Rooms 1, 2 and 3 -- Very easy.

Other than killing a few 500k BSs, this is a level 3 mission,
6:48pm 2007 Tuesday 10th July 2007 At Warp in
4 Frigs -- to the left (about 70 Km from warp-in)
4 Cruisers -- to the right (about 70 Km from warp-in)
2 Battle Ships -- middle (about 70 Km from warp-in)
Does not Agro on warp-in
I agroed cruisers the rest didn't agro, than frigs the BS didn't Agro, Than finial Bs which completed the mission

11:44am 2007 Sunday 18th February 2007 Yes, this mission is easy.
I do have 1 advise doe anyone that is running it.

# Bring a AB with you #

The distance between the gates is fairly long, and in a BS it seems to take forever to get to the next step.

to gate 1 20Km
to gate 2 50Km
to gate 3 40Km
to last group from warp-in 100Km

Happy hunting.
11:19pm 2006 Wednesday 27th December 2006 This mission is not hard...for me at long as you stay out the range, those laser won't really touch you. But it took me a while to take care all of those cruisers...too much=\(I just started lvl 4, which is much tougher compared to lvl 3=\)

and I just warped out and exited the game...reason? body is twiching...need a break:)
The Shadow
5:28am 2006 Wednesday 27th December 2006 Finished with Raven with EM cruise.
3rd Stage

Left: 6 Battlecruisers
Middle: 4 Battleships
Right: 6 Frigates

No agro on warp in.
Agro'd right group and other two groups did not agro so you can pop the frigs no problems.

Agro'd left group and did not recieve agro from the battleships. Then finished off the battleships completing the mission.

Didnt think to note first 2 stages my apology's.