Angel Strike - (9 of 10) - Retrieve The Prisoners [ comments: 3 ]


Guristas Pirates

Type DeadSpace
Target Kill all NPC's
DropOff 5 Prisoners (5.0 m3)
Steps 1
Mission briefing While we were scrambling to defend our convoys from attacks by the Guristas, a few of their agents broke into our prison module and managed to escape with the prisoners. Our interrogation of them was not complete, we still don't know where their base is located, so we are quite desperate to get them back here. We know where their ships are headed, and we request that you intercept them before they manage to jump out of this system. This might be our last chance of getting them before they vanish into deep space, so please hurry!

Mission Step # 1


Guristas Pirates

Step Type warp
Number of Spawns 4
NPC's Attack after warp yes
Your Shield/Armor resists
Your Damage type

Spawn # 1
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
1 × Pithi Demolisher 9 000 0 0 21 25 300 39 29 9 19 11500 440
0 0 83 0 250 39 29 9 19
2 × Dread Pithi Demolisher 10 125 0 0 26 31 300 39 29 9 19 11500 440
0 0 83 0 250 39 29 9 19
1 × Dire Pithi Wrecker 25 875 0 0 13 20 725 85 79 64 72 12500 360 1 +
0 0 33 0 450 85 79 64 72
2 × Pithum Abolisher 79 688 0 0 38 45 1800 59 49 29 39 23000 360
0 0 135 0 1150 59 49 29 39
Spawn # 2
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
1 × Pithi Demolisher 9 000 0 0 21 25 300 39 29 9 19 11500 440
0 0 83 0 250 39 29 9 19
1 × Pithi Destructor 8 250 0 0 14 17 275 38 28 8 18 11500 440
0 0 83 0 200 38 28 8 18
1 × Pithum Inferno 74 063 0 0 0 0 1800 57 47 27 37 35000 360
0 0 135 0 1150 57 47 27 37
1 × Dire Pithi Plunderer 24 750 0 0 12 18 725 85 79 64 72 12500 360 1 +
0 0 33 0 450 85 79 64 72
1 × Dire Pithi Wrecker 25 875 0 0 13 20 725 85 79 64 72 12500 360 1 +
0 0 33 0 450 85 79 64 72
Spawn # 3
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
2 × Pithum Inferno 74 063 0 0 0 0 1800 57 47 27 37 35000 360
0 0 135 0 1150 57 47 27 37
1 × Pithum Mortifier 68 438 0 0 0 0 1650 56 46 26 36 35000 360
0 0 83 0 1100 56 46 26 36
Spawn # 4
  Name Bounty($)       orb. vel.
1 × Pithum Murderer 51 563 0 0 0 0 1300 53 43 23 33 25000 360 +
0 0 135 0 950 53 43 23 33
1 × Pithi Plunderer 7 500 0 0 0 0 225 36 26 6 16 3500 440
0 0 33 0 175 36 26 6 16
1 × Pithi Saboteur 6 375 0 0 7 9 200 35 25 5 15 8750 440 +
0 0 33 0 125 35 25 5 15
1 × Pithum Annihilator 57 188 0 0 22 28 1400 54 44 24 34 17500 360 +
0 0 83 0 1000 54 44 24 34
2 × Dread Pithi Saboteur 7 125 0 0 9 11 200 35 25 5 15 8750 440 +
0 0 33 0 125 35 25 5 15

top Comments 3Please login to add a comment

8:17pm 2007 Monday 19th February 2007 Deadspace Blood Raiders Frigates:
Corpii Engraver [9,000.00 ISK] (x1)
Corpii Reaver [8,250.00 ISK] (x4)

Deadspace Blood Raiders Destroyers:
Corpior Converter [11,813.00 ISK] (x3)
Corpior Visionary [11,250.00 ISK] (x2)

Deadspace Blood Raiders Cruisers:
Corpum Sage [57,188.00 ISK] (x2)
Corpum Arch Priest [74,063.00 ISK] (x2)
Corpum Arch Sage [68,438.00 ISK] (x1)

Deadspace Blood Raiders BattleCruisers:
Corpior Bishop [131,250.00 ISK] (x2)
Corpior Fanatic [142,500.00 ISK] (x1)

Large Collidable Structures:
Scanner Post (x1)

Total Bounty Reward in this attempt: 513,752.00 ISK
Adelaide, Australia
10:24am 2006 Sunday 10th December 2006 Yeh, also a Sansha's version. Use Havoc and Widowmakers to take em out. Not difficult. I think in 3 or 4 waves. Only 2 webifiers.
12:18pm 2006 Wednesday 15th November 2006 There is a Blood Raiders version.
Dmg to deal is EM
Resists should be EM/Thermal
No structure loot
I had a screenshot, but my comp blue screened halfway through :)

corpum arch sage x 3
corpum arch priest x 2
corpior visionary x 3
corpior converter x 2*
corpior bishop
corpior seer
corpii engraver
corpii reaver x 4
corpior fanatic